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Post-Op Instructions

Post operative instructions will be reviewed with you before your discharge. You will receive a written copy of the discharge instructions.  Please consult with your doctor as to whether you are fit to drive, can drink alcohol or make decisions for 24 hours after surgery or if you are taking pain medication.

When You Are Home

Please follow your surgeon's written instructions provided by the staff at Colorado Sports & Orthopedics. If you experience any problems or changes in your condition, you should contact your the office.  Your surgeon and his physicians assistant will be overseeing your continuing care.  You can expect a telephone call from one of our nurses or assistants the morning following surgery to follow-up on your condition and answer any questions you might have.


Pain Medication

Please take your pain medication as needed according to your specific discharge instructions. If you are having issues with your medication, please call your surgeon's office to discuss available alternatives.



If you develop any signs or symptoms of Infection such as persistent fever over 101 F, redness, warmth, swelling or increased pain, please call your surgeon's office.

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